With temperatures dropping, Emily Cherneski was invited to think about the colours of breath
During a silent retreat, Julie Elliot walked through acres of deciduous trees. She describes the experience in a poem
Joanie Peters brings thoughtfulness and a fresh perspective to our relationship with work and play
Linda McLaren, minister at Jasper United Church, reflects on her experience of the wild fire that destroyed her church and home in Jasper, BC
Julie Elliot writes about healing while on retreat. When we step away from the busy outer world, there is an alchemy that happens. We're able to listen more deeply for inner guidance
During a spacious retreat on Bowen Island, Ailsa slowed down enough to enter the world of the busy bees. Her poem likens the bees' activity to aspects of spiritual accompaniment. Such an original idea!
Peggy Allen's grief took her out to the land. She shares how comfort and peace were gifted to her there
Katherine Murray imagines being a spiritual director to the earth and also having the earth as her own spiritual director
Cherie Westmoreland offers a fresh take on what Valentine's Day could mean and how much more the word "heart" could represent
Sarah Lyon does a review of her life from an “ecological” viewpoint as she considers her relationship to her environments
Brian Pearson writes about our need for deep listening – the kind that hears not only the old worn-out stories we tell ourselves but also the new stories trying to emerge
Vickie MacArthur shares an encounter with Thich Nhat Hanh that impacted her in a lasting way
Can aging – with all its losses, changes and letting go – be a catalyst for new awakening? Barbara Richards answers that question
Lesley-Anne Evans is a poet with a contemplative heart. May her poem on silence, mystery, and wonder be an inspiration for 2023
Reimagining the familiar Christmas song, “He’s making a list and checking it twice; gonna find out who’s naughty and nice…”
Trudy Grienauer reminds us we don’t need to be in any special position to offer our listening
Kathi Bentall and Margaret McAvity have published a book about emergent design in retreat leadership
Technology has provided us with the perfect, totally accessible, with-us-all-the-time contemplative tool – our cell phones
Scott Swanson explores why our stores matter. They are in one sense the matter – the stuff – of a life
Pacific Jubilee events are:
contemplative, evocative, spacious, embodied, integrative, experiential and transformative