Pacific Jubilee offers retreats, events and workshops throughout the year. These are open to all spiritual seekers and include themes such as:
spirituality and the arts
embodied prayer
spiritual eldering
introduction to the contemplative life
silent retreats
spiritual deepening through the enneagram
Upcoming Events
Join Lois Huey-Heck for three online gatherings with word, image, sound, and Silence
Join Sandy Pihowich to engage with Joyce Rupp’s book The Star In My Heart: Discovering Inner Wisdom
An ONLINE session for anyone interested in cultivating deep listening and presence with others
With just a splash of words on a page, poets can take us to the heart of things.
Many of us long to live more authentic and fulfilling lives. Yet aging brings challenges—decline and loss, both for ourselves and our loved ones. So, how can we truly flourish as we grow older?
Past Events
Retreat into an intentional silence that helps you encounter that still, quiet, healing place within, where you can be open to the movement of Spirit.
The ages 55 – 80+ can be a time of rich spiritual and personal growth, with gifts not available in earlier decades.
In three monthly sage-ing circles, we will explore ways to shape our contributions so that the best of who we are – our values, wisdom, and love – is passed on and leaves a legacy born of love.
A retreat into Silence is a gift to your deep self – to connect with your own sacred soul within a container of spaciousness, support, and community.
An inclusive retreat for alumni of the Pacific Jubilee Program.
The ages 55 – 80+ can be a time of rich spiritual and personal growth, with gifts not available in earlier decades.
Are you yearning to continue in meaningful and uplifting conversations about aging?
Program is fully booked.
With just a splash of words on a page, poets can take us to the heart of things.
Let poetry feed your soul as you enter the season of winter.
Pacific Jubilee events are:
contemplative, evocative, spacious, embodied, integrative, experiential and transformative