Inner Wisdom –
Exploring the Holy all Around and Within
Online with Sandy Pihowich
Seven Mondays: February 3, 10, 17, 24, March 10, 17, 24, 2025
6:30 – 8 pm Pacific time
In this online series, we will engage with Joyce Rupp’s book The Star In My Heart: Discovering Inner Wisdom. Each week we will reflect and share on one chapter of the book. Our explorations will include conversation, journalling, and creative expression.
We will close the last half hour of our time together with embodied prayer (also known as mindful movement) based on the theme for the week. This is offered as an optional opportunity to open more fully to Sacred Wisdom. Embodied prayer is a spiritual practice of connecting to our body’s response as we listen to five styles of music. We express this in whatever way is accessible and comfortable for each person. This may range from sitting mindfully to moving your whole body. Embodied prayer can help us move out of habitual ways of being; opening us to what wants to be known – perhaps Holy Wisdom.
Joyce Rupp encourages us to “…be open and to lay aside all expectations. Holy Wisdom enters in unexpected ways, at unforeseen opportunities. All we need to do is keep the heart and mind available for her transforming movement.”
Cost is by donation. If you feel so called and are comfortable, a suggested donation of $20 – $100 would be appreciated.
Sandy Pihowich
“Being listened into being“ is how Sandy first experienced the power of spiritual accompaniment.
She was trained in this art through four years in the SoulGuiding and SoulMentoring programs of Pacific Jubilee. Further studies and a regular mindful movement practice have deepened Sandy’s awareness of the dynamic flow of sacred being in and throughout all.
She facilitates groups to reconnect with sacred wisdom through embodied prayer and soul formation.
Read about Sandy’s spiritual accompaniment practice here.