Thanks Giving Blessing
by Cherie Westmoreland
Did you notice the frolicking Towhee in the birdbath?
Or the ten-foot-high Foxglove, ensuring,
during a time of drought, it would produce
enough seeds to carry on?
Do you bow to the cedars
steadfast and strong
as they long for a drink?
Or the salmon, sacrificing
their lives in a dry river bed
so that their kin
will remember their Source.
Do you look up with
heart-dropping gratitude
at the geese who are, again,
migrating south,
calling with a longing
that touches your own?
Can you let your own animal body
touch that same wetness,
that same dryness
that same longing?
It’s a prayer of
Thanksgiving being offered to you
by this mysterious, creative, enlivened world
that is in you and of you
inviting an open-hearted surrender
to the sorrows and joys
of being alive.
Blessed Be.