Theresa Morris

I am a Spiritual Director /Companion graduated from the Ontario Jubilee Program and a member of Spiritual Directors International.

I am also a Registered Nurse whose practice has been specialized in Hospice Palliative Care for most of my career. Hospice Palliative Care includes all the care - physical, emotional and spiritual - for those people and their families who cope with life-threatening illnesses and all aspects of grief.

As a graduate of the Ontario Jubilee Program in 2023, I am committed to ongoing education to deepen my practice. This comes from several sources including Ontario Jubilee, Loyola Centre in Guelph, Spiritual Directors International, and Centre for Action and Contemplation (CAC). My family (including 7 grandchildren), friends and community involvements are my teachers. Meditation and a daily spiritual practice are at the core.

“There are divine dimensions to all that is happening with us.”

James Finley The Cloud of Unknowing CAC podcast

My religious heritage is Christian and I am drawn to the Christian mystic wisdom tradition. I trust in the mystery of the unseen world and its expression which grows always toward compassion, kindness and love. I offer spiritual companionship for those who want to talk about their own life as a spiritual journey. Those who wish to talk of these things come from all walks of life and traditions. They come from all religious and non-religious perspectives. Spiritual Direction/ Companionship is available for seekers of every age - from students to the very elderly.    

“The best thing you can offer someone is your presence.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Spiritual Direction/Companioning is grounded in the art of spacious, generous listening. When a person knows that they are deeply listened to, they then feel seen and understood. Conversation from ‘that place’ can be a transformative experience- leading to growth, peace, self-knowledge and even joy.

“Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of god.”

                                            Teilhard de Chardin

My home is in a wooded place on the edge of a lake. One season follows into another -summer to fall, fall to winter, winter to spring. And then once again to summer. In each season wildlife behaves differently- the birds, plants, and animals. And mysteriously they all know how to adapt to the seasons perfectly. Something divine seems to shimmer through it all. As a Spiritual Director/ Companion, it is a good and nourishing home.

Contact information:


Phone (mobile) 705- 875-5171

Peterborough, Ontario

Pronouns: she/her


I am available for spiritual accompaniment in person, by video conferencing, or by phone.



Barbara Gregg


Florence Misurka