Florence Misurka

As a Prairie Jubilee Instructor:

My mostly solo spiritual journey transitioned into a communal journey when I started Prairie Jubilee as a student in 2020. Prairie Jubilee turned out to be a community of like-minded individuals to explore and journey with. Here was a safe place I could share my thoughts, questions, challenges about my own spiritual life. Prairie Jubilee reinforced and strengthened my ability to deeply listen to another, a skill essential throughout my career as a palliative care nurse. Retirement from my role as a palliative care clinical nurse specialist (MN) came in 2023.

In 2012, I completed Upaya Zen Centre’s one week course on Being with Dying as well as G.R.A.C.E.: Training in Cultivating Compassion-based Interactions. Upaya is where I first really experienced a daily rhythm of meditation and action in addition to a commitment to ensuring that I moved as one who is awake in the world.

The enneagram has become foundational to my spiritual life, a tool for my own self-reflection, and a framework for understanding others. In depth training in the enneagram occurred in 2023, in completing Enntrain: Inspirited and Embodied Enneagram Training. Through this training I gained skills to become a Facilitator/Teacher of Enneagram workshops and groups with Inscapes Centre for Enneagram Studies.

I am excited to be an instructor in the Prairie Jubilee program. It weaves together my experiences as a teacher, deep listener, and using the Enneagram as a tool for deepening spiritual journeys alongside others.

As a Spiritual Companion (Director)

To journey without changing, is to be a nomad.
To change without journeying, is to be a chameleon.
To journey and be transformed by the journey, is to be a Pilgrim.

Mark Nepo

My pilgrimage has taken me through trauma, loss and grief, major life changes, spiritual distress and renewal, joy and contentment, motherhood and grandmotherhood.

I provide companionship through an interspiritual lens drawing mainly from Christian teachings that value the Feminine Divine, Buddhist, Celtic, and Mystical teachings. I experienced a deep disconnect from the church of my youth and for many years I had no connection to a faith or spiritual community. In hindsight, I realized that this spiritual journey continued, even without my conscious awareness. Observing the spiritual existential distress of the dying and their loved ones that I cared for in my work propelled my spiritual search out into full consciousness. Now my journey is living a new way of being a spiritual being in this earthly body, alongside other pilgrims.

I look forward to walking alongside all those who choose to take further steps on their own journey of transformation. I will offer companionship that is open-minded, judgement free and with a caring, listening presence. I provide in-person spiritual direction/companionship in Winnipeg and in Elma, Manitoba and by phone or online.


Theresa Morris


Jennifer Desrosiers