Rosemary Dzus

Rosemary Dzus

Spiritual direction is an accompanying practice; a walking-with that transcends beliefs and brings us to the place where we are all seekers.  In spiritual direction, a deepening of awareness beyond our ingrained habits and compulsions is the gift; an acceptance of who we are at this moment, coupled with the potential of a deeper level of self-knowledge and transfiguration.  In conversation, in silence, in recognition and release – these are the gateways through which we can perceive and embrace the movement of spirit. 

“In out-of-the-way places of the heart,

Where your thoughts never think to wander,

This beginning has been quietly forming,

Waiting until you were ready to emerge.”

- John O’Donohue


I am a graduate of the Prairie Jubilee program, and have been a student of the Enneagram since 1990. A practitioner of Qi Gong for many years, I am also an artist, a gardener, a facilitator, and an advocate for environmental awareness.

Contact Information: 

Winnipeg Beach, Manitoba

Spiritual direction offered in person or via Zoom


Judith Ann Donaldson


Philip Newman