Mary Palm


“Look –
your life
a candle,
this day
a match.
Strike it and see
what blazes,
what fire comes
to sing in you.”

– Jan Richardson

The power of being heard.

The way silence can say so much.

The right question, that opens you.

The connection that comforts.

Time you give yourself.

Spending time with Divine presence.

Holding sacred space.

Tapping into your inner knowing.

To feel what these words mean can be part of the experience of spiritual accompaniment. As your spiritual companion, I will walk with you as way opens.

I feel most connected to the Great Mystery through a love of nature, walking, photography, gardening, poetry, and singing. These, as well as many other activities in my life, are a form of spiritual practice.

Not coming from a formal religious background, I am a spiritual independent, open to the wisdom teachings of the mystics and multiple faith traditions.

The Yukon is my home in the winter, where I cross country ski and spend time with family, watching my grandchildren grow. The rest of the year is spent in central Alberta on a rural property enjoying my garden, family, and friends.

I am a retired teacher. I completed the Pacific Jubilee SoulGuiding program in 2022 and am currently a companion in the 2023-2025 cohort of SoulGuiding.

I am happy to meet with you via Zoom, phone, or in person.

Contact Information
Phone: 403-350-3931


Jennifer Desrosiers


Maria Vigna