Natalie (Nan) Maxson

I’m Natalie (she/her). I am a parent, an activist, a creative and contemplative. I have spent most of my professional life working on social justice advocacy and building community with all ages. I come from a Christian background and tend towards the works of the mystics.  I completed the Pacific Jubilee SoulGuiding program in 2022. I am a registered clinical counsellor in British Columbia.

My approach to accompaniment is rooted in anti-oppressive values. Issues of chronic pain, parenting, vocational discernment, grief, loss, climate anxiety, decolonization, LGBTQ+, compassion fatigue/burn out, religious trauma and life transitions are areas I am familiar with. I am attentive to my spiritual life through silence, music, daily walks, SoulCollage and connecting with the land. Each person’s story is unique. I always feel humbled and privileged to accompany another on their journey.

Here is my reflection on how I see spiritual direction:

An opportunity to share what is on your heart, mind and soul. A spiritual director may highlight what they see, hear or feel following the direction of the Spirit (not directing you). It is a contemplative process of deeply listening to what emerges.

 In spiritual direction we understand a third presence is at work—you may call this Spirit, the Holy, God, the Highest Good or something else. The spiritual director’s role is not to problem solve but to provide a space of compassion, nonjudgmental listening and support.

In spiritual direction my aim is to provide a safe space for you to explore what is sacred and important to you. My hope is that in this process, you connect with yourself in ways that are healing and life-giving.

Contact Information
Naramata, BC
I offer spiritual direction online, by phone or in person.


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Sheinagh Saraswati Anderson