Margie Savigny
As as Jubilee leader
member of the Pacific Jubilee Wisdom Circle
spiritual director
retreat leader and facilitator
hiker and kayaker
As a Spiritual Companion
Margie has been a spiritual companion since 2011. In private practice or in group facilitation, Spirit is always invited to what is unfolding. The work is to create intentional time and sacred space for what is longing for our attention to appear and be nurtured. Margie has always had a thirst to enliven her spiritual life through learning in the company of others. Through the Pacific Jubilee SoulGuiding and SoulMentoring programs, courses at the Vancouver School of Theology and the Living School (Centre for Living Action and Contemplation), Margie continues to nourish her contemplative life.
Contact Information
Vancouver, British Columbia
Phone or text 604-761-2243