Kari Krogh

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Kari is a certified nature and forest therapy guide and a spiritual director trained through the Ontario Jubilee program. With a PhD in psychology, Kari has worked as an academic, health researcher, access consultant and community developer. Her contemplative nature walks share characteristics of small group spiritual direction and include a series of nature-immersion invitations interspersed with circle sharing as well as rituals and poetry. Participants often find themselves relaxed, refreshed and receptive.

With collaborators, Kari is currently offering a variety of virtual nature-based contemplation experiences to support people in obtaining the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of engaging in the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku. She is available for limited collaborative endeavours in spiritual direction and forest therapy. For example, Kari can design a 2.5 hr custom contemplative nature walk for a particular retreat centre or multiple-day retreat program. She is passionate about bringing the gifts of mindfulness, nature-immersion and contemplation to all people and has created programs that are inclusive of people living with disabilities or limitations associated with chronic illness or aging.

Kari is a writer, artist and contemplative who lives part-time in a cabin on the 200-acre EcoWisdom Forest Preserve. Kari co-leads the Mindfulness/ Contemplation/ Forest Bathing Walk Outreach Programs at Kingston Road United Church in Toronto, Ontario. She uses meditation and nature-based contemplation to manage symptoms associated with chronic illness while fostering a sense of connection to the Sacred.

For free contemplative nature photography and video, please follow on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ecowisdom_forest_preserve/

For more information on offerings please see: http://EcoWisdom.ca 

“As clay anchors a tree in light and wind,

May your outer life grow from peace within.”

– John O’Donohue

Contact Information
Toronto, Ontario


Darrow Woods


Vickie MacArthur