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A Taste of Jubilee

A Taste of Jubilee - Tuesday, November 26, 2024, 7:00-8:30 pm ET

A Taste of Jubilee is an opportunity to join Ontario Jubilee staff as well as other seekers on Zoom to learn more about Ontario Jubilee’s Phase One Program - Journey of the Soul.

Journey of the Soul is open to all spiritual seekers. This phase offers a contemplative and dynamic environment in which to explore one’s spirituality, acknowledging each of our unique needs as individuals in community. It is the prerequisite to Phase Two - Spiritual Direction Practicum.

A Taste of Jubilee will allow interested individuals to meet Jubilee staff, learn about the program, and ask any questions they may have. There is no cost for this event.

Facilitating Team Members:

Catharine Mitchell

Catharine is a spiritual director, supervisor, trained labyrinth facilitator, and the Program Coordinator for Ontario Jubilee.

Miriam Frey

Miriam is a spiritual director, supervisor, Enneagram teacher, and published author.

Tanya Dyck Steinmann

Tanya is a spiritual director, circle holder, and outdoor and retreat facilitator.

Learn more:

For more information about Phase One or to register for the event, please follow the links below:

November 18

Conscious Movement And The Enneagram - PRACTICE GROUP

January 8

Spiritual Practice Mornings with Prairie Jubilee - January 8th - February 19th