Tammy Richard

Tammy Richard - Prairie Jubilee

"Wanderer there is no path,  the path is made by walking" - Antonia Machado 


The path for each of us is unique. It would be an honor to companion you, as you walk your path. In our time together, I will create and hold a sacred space for what is moving through you, what wants to be seen and heard. As a spiritual companion, I will listen deeply and look for the movement of Spirit; perhaps a gentle breeze of knowing, a felt sense of warmth and spaciousness, or when you listen to the callings or synchronicity of events. I offer kindness, compassion and a caring heart to what is unfolding and support you to connect to those inherent qualities of love within yourself, which is our true nature of Being. 

I am a graduate of the Prairie Jubilee program and have been a long time student of the Enneagram. I am a yoga and meditation teacher, a gardener, a health promotion facilitator and a blessed wife and mom. If I am not at home, you will find me out on the trails which is where I am inspired, am reminded of my Wholeness and feel my interconnection with all things.

I offer spiritual direction in person or online. 

I look forward to connecting with you, 



Gwen Dirks


Peggy Allen