Roger Lee

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I see myself as a spiritual pilgrim, who shares a crust of esoteric bread with a companion. My family started my religious training as a child.  My spiritual formation arrived in my consciousness through the Pacific Jubilee Program (PJP) which, at the time I completed, had affiliation with the Vancouver School of Theology, University of British Columbia. PJP helped me recognize my beginner's mind to start integrating my Christian, mainly in the Presbyterian Church (USA), base of experiences with wisdom from other major religious spiritual teachings, such as Buddhist and Sufi. I share my spiritual midwifery in classes and workshops, as well as with group and individual spiritual directees. I continue to explore the value of integrating social justice and contemplative activities as complementary for the spiritual path. My social justice work includes over forty years of PC (USA) leadership and pastoral care.

While the public knows us as spiritual directors, I prefer to describe my ministry as soul-friending work, that includes clergy, student, 12-stepper, recovering addict, Asian, GLBTQIX, interfaith, grieving, contemplative, centering prayer, labyrinth using, and retirement-aged directees. I can also explore parallels with any directee who returned to spiritual formation, after troublesome experiences with organized religion. With my interest in languages, I find spiritual terms the directee prefers, to explore, describe and suggest options for her/his spiritual path.

My directees ordinarily make appointments with me through video conferencing. Phone and in-person can also be discussed. My preferred video service meets the privacy level of the US HIPAA standards.

 Fees:  based on a sliding scale

β€œThe mystics ask you to believe nothing on blind faith, to accept no authority, but that of your own understanding and experience.” - Ken Wilber

Contact Information:
Seattle, Washington
Post Office Box 25643
Seattle, Washington


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