Peggy Guiler

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As a Jubilee Leader

  • discerning circle

As a Spiritual Companion

My own life and spiritual practice has been a constant evolution and the Ontario Jubilee program has given me tools for practice, support for my work and a desire to support others in their own spiritual journey of reclaiming peace. My business, River of Hope Enterprises, offers many opportunities including coaching and training. Combining all of these skills with my love of supporting others, and my ongoing personal quest for relationship with the Divine, I will offer a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and reflection.

Now rooted in the United Church of Canada, I have also come through experiences in the evangelical/charismatic movement.  I am open to a wide variety of spiritual practices.

Life, for me, has been far from ideal. I have experienced the death of my teenage son, relationship breakdown, and more, but through it all I have clung to love of my Creator and I have discovered the depth of the Cosmic Christ.

With over 20 years experience in the mental health field, I train and teach in the areas of suicide, suicide loss, crisis work, communication, and listening skills. I also teach peer support to mental health consumers across Ontario.

A journalist by profession, my work includes freelance news and public relations. Lately I’ve also been writing blogs.

My previous training as an executive coach and the training of spiritual direction share the basic notion that each of us is able to answer our own life questions but we need someone to accompany us on the journey; someone who is patient, listens carefully and asks probing questions which will help us arrive.

“Ultimately we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it toward others.” ~ Etty Hellesum

Contact Information
Port Dover, Ontario


Victor Alfred Harder


Bradley Ford