Patricia Horst Wagler

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I am a believer and follower of The Way of Jesus.

I have worked in and with nature and animals most of life, as a former ‘farmer,’ and am presently walking alongside others, as a Spiritual Direction, retreat leader/facilitator and facilitating labyrinth walks.  I am an ordained Pastor in the Mennonite church, a Trained Certified Labyrinth facilitator and Reiki . My heart’s desire is to be an instrument for opening the senses, knowledge, awareness, attentiveness, responsiveness, with those whom I meet with. I love to teach and pass on life-giving ways to engage the world. Though the world can be a noisy and distracting place, that is ever-changing,  our mind, body and soul have been masterfully designed to walk in peace.

I am a graduate of the Ontario Jubilee Program (2010) as well as Facilitation and Labyrinth training with Lauren Artress (2012 Veriditas), and Reiki training (master level) with Wildflower Reiki.

I endeavor to participate in as much ‘continued education’ as my schedule allows, always willing to learn new things.

I am available for speaking engagements, retreat leading, spiritual direction.

“Life is truly a gift, and how we move through our existence, day to day is what makes that gift so sweet! Let’s not waste it or miss out on the amazing gift of the moment.” ~ Patricia

Contact Information
Shakespeare, Ontario


Ramona Pauls


Noelle Boughton