Miriam Frey

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As a Jubilee Leader

  • current member of JSAI (Board) and discerning circle

  • past program coordinator for Ontario Jubilee (2007-2022)

  • spiritual director

  • supervisor

  • educator and facilitator

Miriam was spiritually formed in a Mennonite church and began her career in business and finance. She has expanded her spiritual and cultural awareness through mystical experiences at a young age, a three-year service assignment in east Africa, as well as discovering her love of learning.

For over 20 years, Miriam has been learning about and teaching dream work and the enneagram. Both dreams and the enneagram have been transformative in bringing freedom and blessing to her life. In 2007, Miriam was delighted to bring her experience and knowledge to the Ontario Jubilee program.

Memberships: Spiritual Directors International and Mennonite Spiritual Directors of Eastern Canada

As a Spiritual Companion

Miriam enjoys companioning spiritual seekers as they discover the complexity of the human soul and find ultimate meaning for their lives. She patiently accompanies those who feel misunderstood in the church and society, as well as those who struggle to find a new language for the sacred.

As a teacher and contemplative leader, Miriam keeps herself centered in the sacred through nature, beauty and meditative practices.

Spiritual direction – available in person, phone or electronically
Supervision – available in person, phone or electronically

“Our contemplative nature lives in protest to the complexities of life; while beneath society’s competing attractions, the longing for the holy erupts in our souls.” ~Beverly Lanzetta

Contact information

Kitchener, Ontario



Julie Elliot


Janet Gear