Joan Ashley
As a Jubilee Leader
I had served as a guide walking with new Jubilee members through the Jubilee program for several years. I became part of the Discerning Circle over 5 years ago to support the Ontario Jubilee staff and program.
As a Spiritual Companion
I am Joan Ashley, a retired Presbyterian minister, who has served in a variety of ministries in Ontario and the Maritimes. I graduated from the Ontario Jubilee in 2010, using the tools I received for planning diverse types of retreat events, doing 1 to 1 spiritual direction as well as facilitating group spiritual direction sessions.
I am also one of the mentors for the Leadership Centre out of the Presbyterian College in Montreal for the past 7 years. I have had the privilege of using my years of ministry experience and Jubilee training to mentor ministers with monthly video conferences and yearly gatherings.
I am a life-long learner and participate in Jubilee retreats, Global Leadership Summits to hone my deep listening skills. This helps me expand my understanding of the Holy Presence at work in the world and one’s life.
The Spirit has wired me to be creative in my own spiritual practices. I use imaginative divina, photo divina and artwork, journaling and creative poetry /prayer writing as ways to express and be in touch with the Divine One’s presence. I encourage others to explore a variety of spiritual practices to learn their specific sacred pathway to the Divine.
Deep compassionate listening to one’s own life and others, opens our spiritual ears and eyes to the mystery of the Divine and the inner healing that comes in journeying with others.
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates
Contact information
London, Ontario
Telephone: (519) 472-9177