Transforming Our Society Through The Enneagram – The Nine Domains Of Consciousness
IN-PERSON & ONLINE at 47 Bronstone Blvd. with Dale Bially
9 Tuesday Evenings
Tuesdays: April 25, May 23, June 20, July 25, August 22, September 26, October 24, November 21, and December 12, 2023
***Attend in-person or through Zoom.
“Take a deep dive into your enneagram work!”
The Domains of the enneagram describe our relationship with the external world. Our human society and our activities in the world are divided into these Nine Domains, and these specialized areas are connected with the needs of our Soul life.
Each Domain of the Enneagram contains a unique dichotomy. Oscar Ichazo stated that the balancing of the Dichotomies of the Domains allows the manifestation of true Will, which comes from the Spirit. This Will is not the same as our ordinary “will” which is just the result of anxiety or desire.
Each of us exists and lives in all nine Domains, so each of these areas must be worked with.
Over 9 months we will work with each of the Domains of the enneagram and unlock our potential for truly transformative work in our world today.
A good understanding of the enneagram is recommended for this study group.
This event is offered through the Inscapes Centre for Enneagram Studies and Inspired Enneagram
The cost for this event is $50 per session or $450 for all nine evenings.
“I have attended this teaching many times in my life and each time I take it I learn something new about myself or someone I care about. Too often we get caught in the typology of the enneagram. We worry only about our number and how to live through that lens.
The Domains of the Enneagram takes a step back from how we look at ourselves and moves us to a place where we can look at how we live in the world. If you have ever wished to learn about the Law of Three, this is is a great place to begin.
People who have learned about the Domains see how it is possible to loosen their judgements on others. We can then see that we are perhaps holding too tightly to something that needs to be let go. In doing this we can create new ways to approach difficult relationships.”
Dale Bially has worked extensively with the enneagram in his professional and personal life since 1993. Under the guidance of my mentors Carol Ann Gotch and David Walsh (students of Bob Ochs), he completed the Enntrain: Inspirited and Embodied Enneagram training program in 2012 and began teaching workshops and study groups with Inscapes Centre for Enneagram Studies. In 2012 he began working with the leadership team of Prairie Jubilee, to train spiritual directors and help other seekers find the truth of whom they are and how to live differently making our world a better place.