The Alchemy of Connection:
Deepening our Lives,
Elevating our Practice
May 16 - 22, 2024
Rivendell Lodge, Bowen Island, BC
An inclusive retreat for alumni of the Pacific Jubilee Program
For the last two years, the Alchemy of Connection retreat has been one of “emergent design.” This year, the rhythm of the days will include space for emergent design as well as some structure, including opening and closing circles, “fishbowls” to learn and try new accompaniment practices, conversations that allow us to explore our biases and unearth our fears and longings, as well as various creative offerings.
Lunch and dinner are included in the cost, detailed below. Participants are asked to bring breakfasts for the duration of the retreat as well as participate in some of the prep and cleanup responsibilities.
Cost for the retreat is on a sliding scale. When you register, please indicate which rate you will be paying. A non-refundable $50 deposit is required to secure your spot. Space is limited so please send your completed registration form (see button below) and deposit information as soon as possible to Colleen Tiltman
This price is for you if you are financially secure.
This price is for you if paying the full cost would prevent you from being able to attend, but you can afford more than the lowest price.
$350 or lower
This price is for you if your economic circumstances prevent you from attending the retreat. We will honour what you can afford.
Accommodation for the six days is an additional cost payable to Rivendell Retreat Centre. Rivendell provides an income tax receipt for any donation above $100 per night.
Retreat and accommodation fees will be collected when you arrive. Payments can be made by cash, e-transfer or cheque. No credit cards will be accepted.
Retreat is fully booked
Celia McBride
is a writer and spiritual director from the Yukon now living in Port Hope, ON. She was a professional theatre and film artist before completing the Pacific Jubilee SoulGuiding program in 2013 and the Pacific Jubilee SoulMentoring program in 2015. Celia currently offers one-to-one accompaniment, develops and leads healing retreats and provides spiritual care to residents in long-term care. She published a memoir called “O My God: An Un-Becoming Journey” in 2022. Read about Celia’s spiritual direction practice here.
Lanette Vawter
works in the non-profit sector as a director of services – assisting adults with developmental disabilities to discover belonging in their communities.
In her personal life, Lanette had been learning to be a companion to her own grief after her daughter’s death from cancer in 2011. This eventually led to her completing the Pacific Jubilee SoulGuiding and SoulMentoring programs and a spiritual accompaniment practice with a few dear souls.
Lanette enjoys spending her time studying topics such as the enneagram and creating art to give voice to her inner experience.
Murray Groom
is a spiritual director from the Pacific Jubilee Program. As a retreat leader, Murray holds a long interest in Celtic spirituality and the spiritual pilgrimage. He is a past program mentor of SoulGuiding and current member of the Pacific Jubilee Wisdom Circle. He is an ordered minister in the United Church of Canada. Read about Murray’s’ spiritual direction practice here.
Nan Goodship
is an artist, retreat leader and spiritual director who trained in the Pacific Jubilee Program in 2006. She has an abiding love for contemplative, spiritual, and artistic practices that nurture the creative, growing edge in each of us.