The "More" – A Deeper Understanding Of The Enneagram
10 Wednesdays - July 6, August 10, September 14, October 12, November 16, December 14, 2022, January 18, February 15, March 15, April 12, 2023
“By knowing one’s self, one better understands the Universe.”
We start out learning about the numbered spaces of the enneagram and the energies that they portray. This begins our journey of self-observation, but now that we see the different energies at play in our lives, what do we do?
Over the course of 10 months we will explore each of the enneagram spaces in depth and learn how our crafty minds can fool us into thinking we are transforming and growing, when we are really just moving into a different way of being “caught”.
By learning to be conscious of our patterns and not identify with them we can see true “choice” exists within us and we can move towards living our true selves and not merely existing.
During our time together we will delve into the Defence Mechanisms of the enneagram (or “Buffers"“ as Gurdjieff called them). Our clever egos find many ways to keep us complacent and stuck in our old ways. Learning about our specific defence pattern can open the door to new insights.
This event is offered through the Inscapes Centre for Enneagram Studies and Inspired Enneagram
The cost for this event is what you can afford: $350 or $500 + GST