A Different Perspective: Exploring The Holy Ideas Of The Enneagram
ONLINE with Dale Bially
3 Wednesdays, April 13, 20, 27, 2022
“It is not about changing your mind, but changing your perspective.”
The word “holy” comes from the word “whole”. To be “whole” is to be complete. Our ongoing work with the enneagram was sparked by our desire to feel complete.
In order for us to begin understanding the Holy Ideas of the enneagram, we must open our minds to how interconnected we are with the universe and each other. Unfortunately we are busy living our lives, and have closed off to a fundamental truth of our humanness.
Claudio Naranjo referred to this closing off as “fixations” and the enneagram maps out the nine fixations that keep us blind to the amazingness of the world and our place in it. Each of our fixations distorts our perception of what truly is.
Over three 2-hour sessions we will begin to look past our fixations and establish a new relationship with our higher intellectual centres. Here we will open to the Holy Ideas of the enneagram
This event is offered through the Inscapes Centre for Enneagram Studies and Inspired Enneagram
The cost for this event is what you can afford: $55 or $100 + GST