Discovering Our Hidden Wholeness
An Enneagram Wisdom Retreat
Troncones - Mexico
February 5 - 12, 2024
We all have the key to living freely…
Using the ancient wisdom contained in the symbol of the enneagram, we will spend seven days learning how to break free of our unconscious patterns and the prejudices that hold us captive, and keep us from making change in our lives.
Under the glowing warmth of the tropical sun we will gather by the ocean to nourish our bodies, our hearts and minds with all the richness that this one great life has to offer.
who Am I and what do I Value?
We’re so accustomed to identifying ourselves by what we have, what we accomplish, and what others think of us, that we’ve lost touch with our true self.
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom
- Aristotle
The journey to find our True Self is not a simple chapter in a book or an article we read in the Sunday paper. When we take time in quiet, beautiful surroundings, with caring companions and space for self-reflection, we can once again begin to hear the forgotten voice of our True Selves.
Ancient Sufi mystics knew there was a different way of living. They understood that by taking time to observe how we live, we can see how we’ve constructed a life that is not aligned with our True Selves, and that we also have the power to change it.
George Gurdjieff incorporated this profound Sufi understanding into what we today call the enneagram. This symbol shows us that we can live freely by recognizing our patterns and, in so, choosing to live differently.
Join retreat leaders Dale Bially and Joanie Peters for a deepening retreat like no other.
There are only 11 4 rooms available for this reatreat
If you have any questions please feel free to call Dale directly at 204-229-7755.
Joanie Peters: I recognized the possibilities to transform my life as well as the lives of others in 2013 when I was first introduced to the enneagram. This ancient symbol offered me a fresh perspective and an effective tool to strengthen my relationships and discovering my authentic voice. My current delight is in companioning people back to their creative genius, to see and to respond to what is being witnessed. Artistic expression is a way of relating from the heart. I look forward to companioning you in a journey to discover your Hidden Wholeness. More about Joanie…
Dale Bially: “There is far more to life than work!” I have worked extensively with the enneagram in my professional and personal life since 1993. Three things that keep coming up are; the importance of rest, connecting to beauty, and support of community. Without making space in our lives for what we truly desire and need, we will never move beyond mere theories of finding wholeness. Wisdom does not come from books and podcasts. It only comes from experience. Is it time for you to experience something different?