Be Still and Know that I am God
Winter Silent Retreat
Tuesday, November 1 – Thursday, November 10, 2022
with Lois Huey-Heck, Murray Groom, and Nan Goodship
Naramata Centre, Naramata, BC
This eight-day retreat is open to those with previous experience in silent retreat
This is a time to rest, discern, pray, prepare; an opportunity to be alone in community, to be in nature and to deepen your spiritual journey – all in an atmosphere of prayer-filled silence. This is an intentional silence that helps us encounter that still, quiet, healing place within, where there can be openness to the movement of Spirit.
Most days begin with an (optional) hour of spiritual practice time. Each day, retreatants meet one-on-one with their spiritual director. Each evening concludes with vespers – a contemplative practice to deepen the spiritual life.
Between scheduled sessions, each retreatant practices deep discernment about how their day will be spent. We practice a sabbath-time state of stepping away from our usual busyness, compulsivity and productivity in order to see clearly, hear deeply, and reconnect with the true self, with the Holy, with nature. We seek a different pace.
Rhythm of our days
Nov 1 | 2:00 pm arrival, 4:00 pm orientation and welcome, 7:30 pm entry into silence
Nov 2-9 | early morning spiritual practice
Nov 2-8 | 7:30 pm vespers
Nov 9 | closing circle
Nov 10 | departure by 10:00 am
Retreat cost of $1,845.00 includes private accommodation in Orchard Court or East Court units, all meals, individual daily spiritual direction, site use, and all community gatherings. Bursary funds are available.
This event is offered through the partnership of Pacific Jubilee and Naramata Centre.
Lois Huey-Heck
is a spiritual director from the Pacific Jubilee Program. She has been leading silent retreats since 2007. She loves the possibilities that “quiet” offers and the simple miracles that come when we reconnect to ourselves, creation, and Spirit — all in the gentle holding of Silence and the reassuring company of others. Lois is a past program mentor of SoulGuiding and current member of the Pacific Jubilee Wisdom Circle. Read about Lois’ spiritual direction practice here.
Murray Groom
is a spiritual director from the Pacific Jubilee Program. As a retreat leader, Murray holds a long interest in Celtic spirituality and the spiritual pilgrimage. He is a past program mentor of SoulGuiding and current member of the Pacific Jubilee Wisdom Circle. He is an ordered minister in the United Church of Canada. Read about Murray’s’ spiritual direction practice here.
Nan Goodship
is an artist, retreat leader and spiritual director who trained in the Pacific Jubilee Program in 2006. She has an abiding love for contemplative, spiritual, and artistic practices that nurture the creative, growing edge in each of us.