A Contemplative in the World: Working with the Law of 7 and the Enneagram - STUDY GROUP
IN-PERSON/ONLINE at 47 Bronstone Blvd. with Dale Bially
7 Tuesday Evenings
-November 7, December 5, 2023, January 9, January 30, March 5, April 9, May 7, 2024.
***This group gathers in person in Winnipeg. Anyone wishing to attend from outside of Winnipeg can join through Zoom.
“The true contemplative is not the one who prepares his or her mind for a particular message that he or she wants or expects to hear, but who remains empty because they know that they can never expect or anticipate the word that will transform their darkness into light.”
- Thomas Merton
Through his writings, contemplative, Thomas Merton gifted us with many insights on contemplative living in a world filled with chaos and distraction. Merton shared how spiritual formation cannot take place in isolation, but must be grounded in the experience of our relationships and community interactions. To begin my journey, I must know who I AM.
Our busy lives give us so many interactions that shake us to the core -- anger, fear and shame to name a few. Is it possible to see these as gifts? Gifts that not only cause us to react, but also give us some great opportunities to grow.
Using the enneagram and the movement on the hexagram, we will slow down and observe how we meet the many strangers in our lives, but how we also meet ourselves. The movement of 1-4-2-8-5-7 will be our guide into acceptance, forgiveness, and transcendence.
Come spend seven evenings with the Law of Seven as it shows us how we can secure who we are meant to Be, and how to bring our Being to the world. At each step we will explore our inner-resistance to grow, but in doing so we can find strength that we did not know we had. It all starts with slowing down.
This event is offered through the Inscapes Centre for Enneagram Studies and Inspired Enneagram
The cost for this event is what you can afford: $55/class or $40/class + GST