Jubilee: A Word, A Movement, A Community
By Carol Ann Gotch
I would like to take a fresh, new look at the meaning of Jubilee, which has always meant so much to me, and still does.
The Greek referred to Jubilee with a phrase ‘a trumpet-blast of liberty’, and the Latin ‘iobeleus’, of which the English term JUBILEE is derived. Jubilee's biblical roots, proclaimed a release from servitude, debts forgiven and a return to one’s own property. This celebration followed a passing of 7x7 (49 years), the 50th year,
being the year of Jubilee.
Granted these Jubilee practices have not been observed for many years but perhaps we can resurrect the biblical text and find a deeper, symbolic meaning in the word "Jubilee".
(Being released from servitude)
the highest goal of human being can aspire to, is the fertilization, gestation and birth, of a true human being, within the soul of the lower human personality
(Debts forgiven)
setting free those with whom you feel owe you, setting free yourself from the chains that bind- forgiveness
(Return to your own property)
might we not say, return to who you really are, your own integrated, whole and holy self
These are not easy tasks. Is it any wonder that the symbolism of 7x7, repeating cycles, give us ample opportunity, to try again and again to practice these injunctions.
Yes, I love Jubilee because it makes clear the importance of the ‘narrow way’.
May the blessings of Jubilee rest upon each of us.
- Carol Ann
Carol Ann Gotch
Carol Ann Gotch is a spiritual director, teacher and workshop facilitator. She lives at Touchstone, a house of prayer and spiritual retreat, where she devotes much of her time to prayer and writing. The door of the enneagram was opened for her at Berkeley in the mid-seventies, masterfully taught by Bob Ochs, s.j. She speaks of how the enneagram has deepened all aspects of her life and she see its movement everywhere and in all.