Blessing for the Broken and Beautiful
By Barb Dean
Broken and beautiful.
It may take you a long time
to experience broken in this way.
It is worth the wait.
See the fragility and humility
of broken in this light
and it will change everything.
You will be inspired by the
courage involved,
the perseverance,
the blessing of
breathing in and breathing out,
the precious gift of being alive now, here.
Oh yes, you will also feel
the pain.
Find yourself reaching outward
and inward
with deep compassion.
And you will find companions
on this journey
and together remember
who you are and
what Holy Mystery
is calling you to be.
God is a magician.
Surprise is a key element
in the Holy’s tool box.
Barb Dean
was a beloved friend who died suddenly on April 28, 2023. She participated in Pacific Jubilee’s SoulGuiding and SoulMentoring programs and she was a life long learner. Barb believed strongly that life is a gift; a gift that must not be taken for granted. She was committed to books and reading, especially fiction written for youth because these books dive deeply into life as it is, not as we would like it to be. Barb always said, “Books change lives!”